Metadata plugin demo

You can set any of the type rules (except for icon which has a separate syntax for every datastore). The data passed is a string - in every datastore you have the option to pass arguments.

01.$(function () {
02.    $("#demo_1").tree({
03.        plugins : {
04.            metadata : {
05.                // the attribute to read from
06.                attribute : "data"
07.            }
08.        }
09.    });
02.    <li id="phtml_1" class="open"><a href="#"><ins> </ins>Root node 1</a>
03.        <ul>
04.            <li id="phtml_2"><a href="#"><ins> </ins>Child node 1</a></li>
05.            <li id="phtml_3" data="{ clickable : false }"><a href="#"><ins> </ins>Child node 2</a></li>
06.            <li id="phtml_4"><a href="#"><ins> </ins>Some other child node with longer text</a></li>
07.        </ul>
08.    </li>
09.    <li id="phtml_5"><a href="#"><ins> </ins>Root node 2</a></li>