Basic JSON demo

The built in JSON datastore lets you define some static data to use to build the tree. Those two examples show a few basics of the JSON datastore format.

01.$(function () {
02.    $("#basic_json_1").tree({
03.        data : {
04.            type : "json",
05.            opts : {
06.                static : [
07.                    {
08.                        // the short format demo
09.                        data : "A node",
10.                        // here are the children
11.                        children : [
12.                            { data : "Child node 1" },
13.                            { data : "Child node 2" },
14.                            { data : "Child node 3" }
15.                        ]
16.                    },
17.                    {
18.                        attributes : { "id" : "" },
19.                        // this is the long data format
20.                        data : {
21.                            title : "Long format demo",
22.                            attributes : { "href" : "" }
23.                        }
24.                    }
25.                ]
26.            }
27.        }
28.    });

You can also force a node in a closed or open state (notice in the previous example, that the node having children is intially closed).

01.$(function () {
02.    $("#basic_json_2").tree({
03.        data : {
04.            type : "json",
05.            opts : {
06.                static : [
07.                    { data : "A node", children : [ { data : "Only child" } ],
08.                        // this node will initially be open
09.                        state : "open"
10.                    },
11.                    { data : "Some other node",
12.                        // this node will appear closed even though it has no children
13.                        state : "closed"
14.                    }
15.                ]
16.            }
17.        }
18.    });