Async XMl flat with languages

This examples shows how to use async XML flat, keep in mind when using async the parent_id attribute of the returned top nodes on each request should be omitted or set to 0.

01.$(function () {
02.    $("#xml_f").tree({
03.        languages : [ "en", "bg" ],
04.        data : {
05.            type : "xml_flat",
06.            async : true,
07.            opts : {
08.                url : "async_xml_flat_data.xml"
09.            }
10.        }
11.    });

1.<input type="button" onclick="$.tree.focused().set_lang("en");" value="English">
2.<input type="button" onclick="$.tree.reference("#xml_f").set_lang("bg");" value="Български">